When I was 23, I wrote in my journal, “I am a dreamer, a writer without words. I am a writer, a woman who wants to share her dreams.

I worked as a journalist, author, and a writing instructor for most of my adult life, but I didn’t come out of the closet fully as a dreamer until after my daughter had left for college and my partner suddenly left as well. Then I lost my job!

At that point, I figured I’d either fall into the crater of emptiness that had opened at the center of my life, or I could fill that void with something spectacular. That’s when I decided to formalize my passion for dreams and study and receive professional certification.

Since then, I’ve built a lifestyle and a business that combines my twin passions: Dreamwork and poetic writing. And after more than a dozen years of studying the connections between dreams and writing, and teaching workshops and classes in both, I realized I had created an approach to writing that works—both to create great poems and stories, but also as a tool for self-reflection and self-growth.

I created Dreaming on the Page as a culmination of my personal journey and my desire to wake people up to their best lives through soulful arts like dreamwork and writing.

I want to empower people like you to pick up a pen and befriend all the aspects of who you are. Creativity is our birthright, and dreams and writing are two really accessible ways we can live richer, more soulful lives, both on the page—and off!

@tziviadreams on Instagram and on Facebook.

Learn more at www.TziviaGover.com

Let's keep dreaming together. Join a Dreaming on the Page workshop: https://dreamingonthepage.teachable.com/

Tzivia Gover

Tzivia Gover

In my books, 1:1 sessions, and workshops, I inspire people to turn to their nighttime dreams to supercharge their creativity and personal growth.